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2019年01月10日 09:13:56 人气: 818 来源: 湘潭华丰仪器
  1. Summary

The thermal conductivity is a significant parameter for researching physical properties of a material. In aviation area, atomic energy area, and industry department of building material or non-metallic material, an actual measurement or a forecast is required for the related material. There are steady testing method and dynamic testing method. The equipment adopts modified guarded hot plate method which is in line with the national standard. The whole testing process is finished either automatic or manual which satisfied the requirement of a high precision test. Reference standard: GB/T 10294-2008.


  1. Technical features

Applications: The equipment applies to test the thermal conductivity of clintheriform homogeneous material under dry or different moisture conditions. Thermal conductivity range: 0.015-2 W/M*K

  1. Can complete the test of plate method. The experiment temperature of equipment can be controlled. Temperature range: room temperature - 80.
  2. Digitizing: Instrument temperature degree better than 0.2, room temperature compensation automatic electronic. May also adopt external freezing temperature compensation.
  3. Power supply220V/50HZ; Adopt high precision regulated power supply.
  4. The result accuracy  ±3%

repeatability  ±2%

  1. Metering heating power is adjustable, constant current output 0-3A150v; accuracy: ±1%.
  2. Have connected PC, can accomplish computer automatic testing. Under the steady state conditions, it only 3 minutes to test one set of data.
  3. Can display the experiment parameters and curves.
  4. Can be done through a variety of test methods; make a reference and help to further comparative study on the properties of material thermal conductivity.
  5. The working conditions:

Environment temperature: 10°35

Relative humidity: ≤80%RH

③Require to operate in the condition of a stable room temperature. The average daily temperature fluctuations ≤±1.5

  1. Sample size and the effective area requirements  300×300×(10-40) mm
  2. Required the surface between the sample and the plate is flat and level. (Which can be connected by thermal conductive paste)


  1. Instrument composition

Instrument consist of the built-in high precision regulated power supply, thermometer, hot plate heater, the main protection of hot plate, temperature measuring thermocouple, cold plate constant temperature water bath, computer testing system.

a. Specimen part: including constant temperature device, through room temperature to 80

b. Heating system: heater of guarded hot plate temperature and heater of measuring power.

c. Temperature measurement system: adopting the high precision digital display instrument to ensure the accuracy and stability, and realize zero internal compensation.

d. measuring power adopting constant heating and digital display, the accuracy is better than 1%.

e. computer test parts including touch screen, communications components, and software.

f. instrument panels and the various parts see figure 1:












Figure 1

1Power switch     2Work stop     3Work start     4Power light    5Power regulation

6Touch screen    7Samples room     8Cold plate lifting knob      9Base seat  

10Rolling wheel




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